Covies versus Flood in the third tower

Posted June 28th 2015

At the third tower, enter solo. Kill the drones but preferably leave the Hunters intact. Bypass the Brutes on the way to the lift; you could potentially use cloaking from earlier in the level, but it's not really needed. As you come back down in the lift, you should get a checkpoint.

When the lift is down, jump off and head to the exit, just far enough to trigger additional Flood who'll come in from outside. Turn around and get back to safety, ideally running back onto the lift or anywhere high up. The bypassed Brutes and Hunters will meanwhile be flocking down from that level and you'll be able to watch a heck of a battle as they clash with the Flood. On Easy it can go on quite a long time. Feel free to join in the fun! In particular you should have a few firebombs from upstairs and they'll make for quite a spectacle.