BCM510 - First ground battle, Ghost squad battling with extra covies

(7:30) Level 5 ('Assault on the Control Room') on Heroic. Here are another three battles using the same set-up, but this time focused on an idea I had of getting a Ghost to the Marines early, hopefully helping the 3-Ghost squad form up a bit quicker (avoiding the common frustration of waiting for a second Marine to board). Seems to work okay. But in any event, some great action ensued.

Released September 14th 2024, gameplay recorded September 13th 2024.


00:02 (Play 1 - Cross-field) As a first example of the idea I head cross-field in my Ghost, overturn one of the two new Ghosts so the Elite can't board, then take the other to the Marines. After returning to right the overturned one, pretty soon we've got our Ghost squad of three going.

To mention a few highlights of the battle, when I go for the rear Hunter around 2:14 I whizz over the edge and nose-dive just in front of a Jackal. The Ghost spins as it bounces over him, then the right plasma cannon splatters him. Quite novel!

But the Jackal splattering isn't over yet. There's an amusing ending around 2:48. Having just finished the Hunter, there's a brief bit of fire from the remaining Jackal below, which gives me a sense of his location. I spin my Ghost off the slope and s him from above. Nice!

03:01 (Play 2 - Cross-field in Banshee) There's a novel start to the central action here. The Wraith blasts the low Shade (making my plasma throw redundant), then Choppy gets spectacularly splattered when a Marine Ghost is blasted by the Wraith. And right after that, the Wraith takes out a Jackal for me!

Around 4:00 there's a nasty mishap when a Marine Ghost cruses into my plasma throw aim. Ghost gets tagged instead of the Wraith. Oh dear. A good bit of comedy though, which together with the points just mentioned, made this play a good candidate for the movie.

Nice Elite splattering around 4:25. Enjoyed that.

The battle ends with me going on a one-Ghost rampage, but actually there was a Ghost the Marines could've used. You can see it at 4:28, overturned and smoking. At the time, maybe I had the idea that both Ghosts had been destroyed; but I forget.

05:23 (Play 3 - Retreat trigger) This time I start by triggering a covie retreat (or rather, I trigger them to swarm after me). I blast the rear Hunter so he'll rage forth (he's weak enough that just one blast will do it). On the way to the Ghosts I blast the Shade fractionally after the gunner dives (he'd dismounted due to the trigger). That adds to his speed and he goes shooting off horizontally.

Something of note. Around 6:32 a frag goes off on the Shade plateau, taking care of the Shade. Apparently a Marine threw that up there. Impressive! Not sure I've ever witnessed that before.

Around 6:40 Choppy steals one of our Ghosts (yes, he can use a Ghost). Doesn't last long though. The Ghost was already smoking badly, and it only takes a bit of plasma firing from me to destroy it.

Closing remarks I hadn't actually planned this second movie with the set-up, but then I had the idea about giving the Marines an early Ghost, and when I tried it out, I was soon getting enough good action to make me decide on a sequel.