BCM533 - Main shaft descent, side alcoves
(6:33) Level 4 ('The Silent Cartographer') on Heroic. In this fourth instalment on descent into the main shaft I explore the reaching of four side alcoves, particularly the higher two.
- Download: BCM533.mov (93.9 MB)
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- Comment at my YouTube channel (bad place to watch though, due to the blurring)
Released December 14th 2024, gameplay recorded December 3rd-12th 2024.
00:02 (High left alcove) Going for this alcove is quite good fun, especially trying to land the hog, and it's fairly easy. Before I got fully into that however, there were quite a few times when I arrived there unplanned after trying to bail onto the prong stack. So I've included two examples of that at the end (2:09).
02:34 (High right alcove) Now four clips on reachng the opposite alcove. The second clip shows an unintended visit by the way. In regard to the slingshot method shown in the final two clips, that's something I developed later on in my exploration. As I recall, it grew out of my use of slingshotting for the second prong on the left (see previous movie). It's not terribly easy to get the required distance and angle, but it's very nice when it works.
03:23 (Jumping across from the prong stack) These three clips show some high alcove visiting by just jumping across from prongs. Easy stuff that I eventually realised I could do. Not as engaging as bailing there in mid-air though! Or in the case of the left alcove, landing there in the hog.
04:27 (Low left alcove) You can also reach the low alcoves by jumping from a prong, such as seen here using an overshield.
05:09 (Low right alcove) For the opposite low alcove I just show two unplanned arrivals after getting ejected, both of them rather lucky.
05:43 (Left alcove finale) This final clip was partly to point out the possibility of jumping back to the prong stack from a high alcove, but it also makes for a comedy ending.
Closing remarks Next instalment coming shortly!