Cave exit skirmish

Posted November 22nd 2007

Just inside the cave exit there are a few covies pestering a couple of Marines, with more covies on the way. You can have some good fun with this encounter, but for these ideas you don't really want any Marines along from the start of the level. See Leaving Marines behind at the start for how to ditch them.

Grenade surprise

Just past the arch that leads into this final section of the caves, you can head left behind some rocks. Sometimes the enemy won't even notice you, as long as you've ditched the hog - especially if they're focused on the Marines. You can jump over the first line of rocks and shelter behind more to get right behind the enemy as they face the Marines. After letting all enemies arrive, try taking them by surprise with a few grenades, then follow up however you like. See if you can wipe them out without a single one escaping the caves.

Bullets in the back

Let all enemies arrive, then kill enough to trigger them into a retreat. Give chase and enjoy bringing them down with bullets in the back, or whatever. See if you can wipe them out before they disappear over the ridge.

Outdoor ambush

Let all enemies arrive, then drive straight through and see if you can stop them from reaching the ridge. They'll start heading that way as soon as you're outdoors. There are lots of positional variations you can try. You could position yourself at the ridge itself for example, or dismount just past the cave exit and back off as the enemy come your way. But my favourite is to position myself off to the left shortly after the exit. The enemy will then be moving from right to left across your view and they make a great shooting gallery, with Jackals nicely unprotected. Shields on the wrong side, heh heh!

This is my spot!

Here's a good little challenge. Drive straight through (before or after waiting for enemies to gather in the cave) and see if you can survive at the spot the Brute is trying to retreat to. Could get hectic when they come over the ridge!