BCM527 - Tower zone megabattle, slope defence x4
(6:41) Level 5 ('Assault on the Control Room') on Normal. After defending on the Shade slope in one of the tower zone megabattles in the last movie, I fancied doing some more of that but with a more convenient save. So I fired up an earlier one in which I was armed with a pistol and needler, and proceeded to have some tough but glorious fun. Four battles here, and quite a few exploding Ghosts!
- Download: BCM527.mov (139.7 MB)
- Watch at HBO in full quality
- Watch on my Odysee channel in full quality (can also download the underlying mp4)
- Comment at my YouTube channel (bad place to watch though, due to the blurring)
Released November 19th 2024, gameplay recorded November 16th-17th 2024.
00:02 (Basic) Once I land, my defence gets off to a good start. Pistol fire brings down a Hunter, then a long-range tag kills a Hunter and an Elite. Seconds later however, I've got six marauding Elites to deal with and things get pretty hot. In particular, notice how I dodge around to try and avoid the needles streaming in. Absolutely essential. By the battle's end, I'm down to my last health bar.
01:41 (One covie Ghost) This time I give the covies a Ghost to use, but after a short while it gets overturned when the pilot foolishly drives into a frag blast. I send a few more grenades over to try and right it (one of the blasts kills the ex-pilot), but that fails. It still goes boom in the end though, when I right it by hand and get the final Elite to board.
Something to notice in this play: I landed the Banshee on the slope, giving me a bit of cover. It also stops covies coming up the slope, if you place it just right.
03:42 (Two covie Ghosts, plus rockets) Now I give the covies two Ghosts to use, but also I get a rocket launcher. The launcher makes things a lot easier for me of course, and I destroy the first Ghost even before I've reached the slope. The other one lasts quite a while but eventually goes airborne as a wreck, when some loose grenades detonate. That spectacle was a major factor in my selecting this play from among the many I recorded for this slot; but I also liked the rocket ending.
05:02 (One Ghost each) Finally, one Ghost each. My plan here was to relinquish my Ghost once it was close to destruction, then get it blown up when an Elite boarded. I do like to bait them into dodgy Ghosts, as you may've noticed. It was actually quite tricky to pull that off, and many times I was killed seconds after dismounting (Jackals tended to be arriving around that time, and they were quite a pain). But on this occasion things work out nicely, with the blast killing not just the pilot but also a second Elite.
As for the other Ghost, when it started smoking up I took the opportunity of destroying it when it was among the mob. So that was nice too.
Closing remarks Definitely need to do some more of this sometime. A very enjoyable defence location, and very challenging too. Got killed many times, but I had a lot of fun making the movie.