BCM76 - Freakiness and fun, assorted clips
(5:32) Various levels and difficulties. My third 'freakiness and fun' compilation shows 24 freaky or amusing incidents, most of which occurred while recording footage for my usual movies - so you may recognize the situations if you've been following my series.
- Download: BCM76.mov (113 MB)
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- Comment at my YouTube channel (bad place to watch though, due to the blurring)
Released August 8th 2013, gameplay recorded 2009-2013.
00:02 (Close call) To get things under way nice and noisily, here's a spot of gung-ho Warthog joyriding in which we very nearly drive into a Wraith blast after launching off the Shade plateau. And near the end, I enjoy shunting an enemy Ghost aside. November 2012 footage from when I was recording to get pictures for my Warthog joyriding article. Level 5, Legendary.
00:22 (Bad throw) After dealing with a few blue Elites quite nicely in a rockslide megabattle on the Marine plateau, I throw a frag as I back off around my cover rock, but I get my timing slightly wrong and the grenade bounces off the rock. Unfortunately I didn't notice. The bang sets off a chain reaction and I go flying. August 2009 footage from when I was recording for BCM1. Level 2, Heroic.
00:40 (Helpful blast) In this cavern megabattle I've got a Hunter taking swipes at me. Bu a long-range shot from one of his colleagues sails in and blasts him over the edge just as he's taking another swipe. He's lucky to land on a pipe, but I subsequently moved back around and used needles and plasma grenades to kill him. There's something else amusing in this clip. When I fire a clip of needles at an Elite, he sidesteps and most of the stream piles into his buddy, hee hee! November 2012 footage from when I was recording for BCM59. Level 5, Normal.
00:53 (Rear end shunt) Heading around the side of the big mound, a Banshee blast causes me to leave the hog, then I get knocked high by the rotating rear. High enough that I don't survive. I subsequently tried to duplicate this dynamic to see if I could get shunted any higher, but this remained the highest I went. February 2013 footage from when I was recording for BCM66. Level 2, Legendary.
01:06 (It's just not his day) This Hunter I was toying with took quite a few blasts from his buddies. Here's a second example; and this time there's no handy pipe to save him. November 2012 footage from when I was recording for BCM59. Level 5, Normal.
01:20 (Senior skills) Up on the cliffside hilltop, Johnson rakes poor old Stacker in the back as Stacker pointlessly tries to lob a frag at a Banshee. But Johnson's poor aim isn't surprising really, as he's not even looking where he's shooting. Silly fool is looking sideways! January 2013 footage from when I was recording for BCM65. Level 2, Legendary.
01:25 (Pelican barge) I'm not sure I've ever seen that Banshee collide with the incoming Pelican before, but here's an example which causes the Banshee to be upside down for a moment. December 2012 footage from when I was recording for BCM61. Level 5, Heroic.
01:36 (Blind sniper) Up on the cliffside hilltop again, the sniper takes a shot and scores a fine hit. On one of his buddies. Just in front of him. Johnson is not best pleased. January 2013 footage from when I was recording for BCM65. Level 2, Legendary.
01:41 (Diving target) Nice long tag here, on a Banshee diving at the Pelican. My grenade doesn't quite do the job, and my plasma shots all miss, so I end up finishing things with a pistol shot. This action didn't follow on from the Pelican barge, but it makes a nice continuation for the movie. I deliberately juxtaposed these last four clips to make a sequence linked by the near-continuous sound of a flying Banshee. Quite pleased with that. December 2012 footage from when I was recording for BCM61. Level 5, Heroic.
01:53 (Needle show) That crazy-firing Grunt has got his aim screwy again, but he's putting on quite a nice show for me, the way those needles are bouncing. As you may know, his aim is guided by the Shade he's ejected from. February 2012 footage from when I was recording for BCM46. Level 5, Heroic.
02:12 (Up and over) In attempting to get a Banshee assisted hog launch off the mound, I get more than I bargained for, ending up on a personal voyage over one of the Banshees. I try to tag it but I'm way too late and it misses. A pity; that would've been a novel tag! February 2013 footage from when I was recording for BCM66. Level 2, Legendary.
02:24 (Lucky landing) As I fall towards the ledge, my first plasma misses the Elite but I get him on the head with my second as I approach. I'm trying to get a glancing blow off him to stop me on the ledge, but I skim past and we both go off the edge. I get a pretty lucky landing! February 2011 footage from when I was recording for BCM29. Level 5, Heroic.
02:36 (Air swimmer) In the room full of sleeping Grunts just after you head indoors from the snow beneath the twin bridges, I killed the Grunt who sleeps in a little recess, and he ended up like this. I wouldn't be surprised if you've seen him like this yourself. When he dies explosively, he sometimes gets caught up like this, trapped in his airborne death animation. This occurred when I was attempting a zero hit kill 'em all run. I forget the exact sequence of events, but I think I fouled up my stealth work then quickly sent in a grenade or rocket and retreated. Some or all of the remaining Grunts must've woken up from the bang, but they went back to sleep after a while. I abandoned my run in order to record this footage. July 2013 footage. Level 5, Legendary.
02:59 (Risky pursuit) Arriving at the Elite on the ledge, I get a light deflection off him and he falls off when he turns. Throwing caution to the wind, I go down after him. Extremely risky, but I just manage to drift in and get enough cushioning from the cliff base to survive. The Elite misses a swipe at me as I skim past, and I turn to finish him off with a charged shot. Probably could've whacked him instead, but I wasn't sure I'd get to him in time, and he only would've needed one shot from his plasma rifle to kill me. February 2011 footage from when I was recording for BCM29. Level 5, Heroic.
03:16 (Banshee one-two) Here I'm hoping for a Banshee-assisted launch in the hog, but I end up taking a different sort of trip. The first Banshee blast empties the hog, and it looks like I get splattered by the Banshee's right leg, then the second blast arrives and sets off my loose frags. January 2013 footage from when I was recording for BCM66. Level 2, Legendary.
03:25 (Twitchy Grunt) It's true that I gave these Grunts the heebie-jeebies by brushing up against them while cloaked, but one of them takes twitchiness to a whole new level. Spooky! He looks like he's got some sort of neck trouble. NB: To see the twitching properly you'll need to be watching a version giving you the full non-skipping 25 fps; either my download version or the YouTube version. October 2012 footage from when I was recording for BCM55. Level 3, Normal.
03:44 (So long Stacker) In this plateau base defence in a rockslide megabattle, a Grunt comes around the back of our defence position and isn't quite killed in time. His grenade makes it to the hog, and it's curtains for Stacker. November 2011 footage from when I was recording for BCM43. Level 2, Heroic.
03:51 (Twitchy's brother) Another twitchy Grunt - though he snaps out of it when I tag him. As with the earlier Grunt, it looks like there's something up with his neck. August 2011 footage from when I was recording for BCM39. Level 5, Legendary.
04:05 (Happy pilot) The attacking pilot manages to stop the hog in its tracks and splatter my passenger and then myself. A good day's work, you'd have to say. It's no wonder he's chuckling. January 2013 footage from when I was recording for BCM66. Level 2, Legendary.
04:15 (Mountaineers) At the end of this spiral path megabattle, there's just me and the sniper left as we reach a pair of Hunters in the pass. They each take a swipe at me and end up going part way up the cliff base, which I found an amusing sight. I catch a bit of blast from my own plasma grenade, but both Hunters are killed by the sniper.February 2013 footage. Level 5, Heroic.
04:27 (Plasma hazard) Whilst on a joyride around the tower, a Grunt gets mown down and his plasma grenade gets caught up on our undercarriage. The hog does a nice back somersault and the gunner's lost. It's a good illustration of why it's best to resist the temptation of splattering Grunts if you're playing seriously - which here I wasn't. November 2012 footage from when I was recording for BCM58. Level 5, Legendary.
04:39 (Double tag) In this action from a bridge rock choke point defence in the dustbowl megabattle, I double tag one of my grunty assailants, sending him up towards the cruiser. The clip also provides some general grunty amusement of course, and I rather like the way a Grunt's cry of "He's gonna kill us all!" gets cut short. That fella really knew what he was talking about! October 2012 footage from when I was recording for BCM55. Level 3, Normal.
04:57 (Tit for tat) A Banshee blast ejects me from the hog, but when the next Banshee swoops along I retaliate with a plasma grenade, tagging the pilot - as witnessed by his scream. February 2013 footage from when I was recording for BCM66. Level 2, Legendary.
05:10 (Yes, again) After killing the gold Elite just in the nick of time, I decide to have a bit of fun with a grunty gunner. Over the edge he goes. "Not again!" Yes grunty, again. And I can't resist using him as target practice as he heads down. February 2011 footage from when I was recording for BCM29. Level 5, Heroic.
Closing remarks It was high time I got around to doing another of these compilations. Having put it together, I see that I've still got plenty of material left for another, so I expect you'll see number four before the year is out.
In this movie, the five clips from my recording for BCM66 were something of a running thread. I got a load of amusing action from that hog stunting business. You may've noticed an absence of Silent Cartographer clips here though. Sadly my video cupboard was bare of those. It's been quite a while since I did an SC video too, so I've resolved to try and do one soon, and generally make an effort to visit the island more often. Maybe even the very next video? We'll see.